Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Want to Earn Money Online

I want to earn money online. Millions of people say this and only a handful of people actually make a full-time living online. My dream is to become filthy rich by earning money from affiliate products and from Google Adsense. I realize that this job is not for everyone and that my chance of failing is MUCH higher than me actually making any money, but this is a risk that I'm willing to try. I have never been good at keeping a steady job and do not like the thought of working in a cubicle for the rest of my life. I've been reading about various ways to make a full time income on the internet and want to become one of those people that earn money from blogging.

I have no idea how to make a living online so I might just buy some make money online affiliate products and see if any of those work. I know that I'm suppose to follow the those Blogging Gurus because they are the authority in earning money. The first lesson that I learned is that you're supposed to make friends with authorities in your niche. I'm planning on making social friends by adding a lot of people from Twitter, Facebook and Myspace. I heard the best way to get traffic to your site is by making a lot of friends in your niche and through social networking sites.

Another way that I'm planning on getting people to my site is by commenting on various blogs and adding a link to my website. This is how most of the internet gurus make their money and I believe if I follow their style that I can make a lot of money online. So things I need to do this week is to:

1. Get a Twitter Account
2. Add a lot of people from Twitter to my account
3. Create a lot of content and make frequent postsw
4. Put up affiliate ads
5. Use Clickbank and put up some affiliate links

I'm pretty excited about earning some money online and would like to share with you my journey to making a full time income online. I will also share tips about how to earn money online!

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